B • What's your ultimate BUSINESS in life?
Follow Jesus. Be an actor. (Do) art.
R • Who are the people who ROCK your world?
Friends and family.
A • What must you ABSOLUTELY do everyday?
No answers provided.
N • What are you NATURALLY good at?
Being me and acting.
D • What DRIVES you to stay on track?
Getting to wake up to a new day. (Fun) things that will happen soon.
Follow Jesus. Be an actor. (Do) art.
R • Who are the people who ROCK your world?
Friends and family.
A • What must you ABSOLUTELY do everyday?
No answers provided.
N • What are you NATURALLY good at?
Being me and acting.
D • What DRIVES you to stay on track?
Getting to wake up to a new day. (Fun) things that will happen soon.
BEING SELF AWAREDo you know why you make certain decisions in life? Are you aware of the underlying motivation that drives you?
Answering these five questions for yourself will uncover your B.R.A.N.D. and empower you for a purpose-driven life. |
College/university students can use the system to define their personal brand, learn about the companies they hope to find a job with, and ask themselves the following questions as they consider their next step after graduation:
- Am I inspired by the vision & mission of the company and be able to stand by it?
- Am I able to apply what I am naturally good at to benefit the company?
- Do I agree with the values of the company and see myself as an integral part of that organization?
Please note that your personal brand will evolve with time and it will be beneficial to use the system for regular self-reflection.
Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.